Friends of Hibou are excited to continue working on the Boardwalk at the Hibou hiking trail with the help and support of a $2,000 grant from the Community Foundation Grey Bruce.
The Friends of Hibou were established in 2013 to help maintain and upgrade Hibou Conservation Area. This spring, Grey Sauble Conservation and the Friends of Hibou submitted an application to replace 200 ft of existing boardwalk at Hibou Conservation Area. The existing boardwalk is over 20 years old and is in need of replacement to maintain the wetland trails in a safe condition. The project is requesting funding to assist with purchasing materials for the boardwalk. The new boardwalk will be assembled and installed by Conservation staff and Friends of Hibou volunteers.
Just over four kilometres of trails are used by the general public and replacing the boardwalk will ensure the trail stays open and safe for visitors. Hibou also offers over 2 kilometers of shoreline to explore!!
For More Information about Community Foundation Grey Bruce, please contact:
Wendy Bachiu, Grant & Scholarship Co-ordinator
Established in 1994, Community Foundation Grey Bruce builds community vitality now and for future generations by encouraging endowment building and facilitating philanthropic partnerships within Grey and Bruce Counties. The Foundation provides grants to a wide variety of nonprofit organizations who in turn, provide necessary initiatives and services for the people of this region. Additionally, the Foundation provides leadership in identifying community issues and convening discussion.