Permission (a permit) from Grey Sauble Conservation Authority (GSCA) is required to develop in an area regulated by GSCA. If you are planning on building, changing the existing grade, adding or removing material near any of the following features you may need a permit:
- Rivers - Streams - Lakes - Lake Huron/Georgian Bay shoreline - Wetlands - Flood Prone Areas - Slopes -

Environmental Planning is a preventative and consultative process that promotes healthy ecosystems and watersheds, prevents loss of life and minimizes the risk of damage to property from flooding and erosion hazards. The Authority’s jurisdiction covers portions of Grey and Bruce Counties including 219.6 kilometres (136.5 miles) of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron shoreline and a large portion of the Niagara Escarpment (A World Biosphere Reserve).
Our Environmental Planning Program now operates within the framework of Ontario Regulation 41/24 - Prohibited Activities, Exemptions and Permits (as of April 1st, 2024) and the Conservation Authorities Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.27.
Report violations HERE

The best way to answer this question is to contact staff through our Planning and Permits inquiry form. If you are planning development or an alteration to or near a watercourse, wetland, valley land, erosion prone areas, floodplain, or shoreline, you may need a permit.
To see if your project is within the GSCA Regulate area, you can use our online mapping resource. Online mapping shows the approximate areas that GSCA regulates but it is always best to contact Environmental Planning staff to confirm if the works you are proposing will require a permit. This way, we can let you know if your property or activity is regulated by GSCA and whether your proposal requires permission.

Development is defined in the Conservation Authorities Act to mean:
- the construction, reconstruction, erection or placing of a building or structure of any kind (e.g. all buildings, including accessory non-habitable structures such as gazebos, decks, storage sheds, docks, stairs, retaining walls, etc.)
- any change to a building or structure that would have the effect of altering the use or potential use of the building or structure, increasing the size of the building or structure or increasing the number of dwelling units in the building or structure
- site grading
- the temporary or permanent placing, dumping or removal of any material, originating on the site or elsewhere

The following mapping resources are available to assist you in determining if a property is regulated by GSCA under Ontario Regulation 41/24. You can also review other mapping relevant to a property, such as Zoning By-law mapping and Official Plan mapping, through Grey County and Bruce County GIS portals.
Go to our online map viewer to see approximate areas regulated under ON Regulation 41/24. Grey Sauble Conservation Authority Regulations Mapping – Grey Sauble Conservation Authority

Please contact the local Municipality the property is located within to determine any Zoning and/or building requirements. Depending on the property and project location other approvals may also be required such as: Niagara Escarpment Commission, Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry

Permit applications, regulatory compliance letters, and planning act application reviews can be submitted electronically or by regular mail.
For permit applications, please contact our staff to confirm the fee and requirements for a complete application prior to submitting payment.
For landowner, developer and/or real estate inquires, fees can be accepted, however, the required site visit may be delayed pending future Provincial and Health Authorities’ directives. Again, it is best to discuss with one of our staff prior to submitting a fee. Fees can be paid by mailing a cheque, e-transfer or paying online through the Amilia payment system.
Planning & Regulations
Downloads / Links
- Interim Administrative Review Policy
- Transitional Procedures & Guidelines (O. Reg. 41/24)
- Interim Policy Guidelines (O. Reg. 41/24)
- Planning and Permit Fees
- Property & Regulation Inquiry Letters
- Great Lakes System, Flood Levels, & Water Related Hazards
- Online Regulations Permit Application
- Downloadable Regulations Permit Application
- Grey Sauble Interactive Regulation Map Viewer
- Ontario Regulation 41/24
- GSCA’s Regulations Policies
- Procedures for Planning & Permitting Review