In 1964, both native and exotic species were planted. Shelterbelts of Austrian Pine and Norway spruce was established along the northern and western boundaries. In 1973, the site was chosen as the new location of the Administration Centre and by 1977, the building was complete. With assistance from the Owen Sound Horticultural Society, species were inventoried and name tags put on the trees for public education. There are currently 60 different species of trees and shrubs are in the “Trees of the World Arboretum”.
In 2000, 8.7 hectares (21.5 acres) was purchase north of the Administration Centre and Arboretum. This addition to the Arboretum is called “The Trees of Grey and Bruce”. The Arboretum Alliance Committee was formed as part of this new addition. To date, they have raised funds and obtained grants to complete: accessible walking trails, interpretive signage, a tree nursery & shade house, and built a large pavilion with accessible washrooms.
To find out more about the Inglis Falls Arboretum Alliance (IFAA) and their unique, cutting edge work with the woody native plants (trees, shrubs and vines) that are indigenous to Grey or Bruce County please see their page on this site.
You can access to the Bruce Trail from this location.
The pavilion can be reserved for family reunions, weddings, fund raisers, etc. See our Fee Schedule for more information.
Latitude: 44.53591° North,
Longitude: -80.938° West,
UTM X Easting: 504928.8291,
Y Northing: 4931399.295