Grey Sauble Conservation, like other Conservation Authorities across the Province, maintains a flood forecasting and warning system. The purpose of the system is to minimize flood damage, and loss of life by providing residents of flood prone areas with advance warning of possible flood events.
Most flooding in the watershed results from spring runoff compounded by ice jams. The frequency of ice jams in many locations is usually predictable. The severity of the jams and the extent of flooding are often difficult to predict.
Within the watershed there are many identified flood prone areas. These include Tara and Allenford on the Sauble River, Meaford on the Bighead River, Clarksburg, Kimberley and Heathcote on the Beaver River.
Grey Sauble Conservation has developed a Flood Contingency Plan to minimize flood damage by establishing a flood warning system and by outlining the responsibility of the Authority in relation to other agencies and officials in flood emergency situations. The procedures outlined in this plan are to be used as guidelines for the evaluation of a flood threat, for the issuing of flood warning messages and for the response to a flood emergency situation. The plan has been developed to work in partnership with our municipalities, OPP, Grey County and Emergency Services with all aspects of a flood emergency.
It is the responsibility of Grey Sauble Conservation to provide a flood warning system within the watershed. The Authority will also encourage and assist local municipalities in the preparation of their own flood emergency response plans.
If you wish to be included in our Flood Forecasting and Warning email list please contact our Water Resources Coordinator.