Spirit Rock Conservation Area
Coordinates: Latitude: 44.7621° North, Longitude: -81.1419°
West - UTM X Easting: 488766.9116, Y Northing: 4956533.418
Spirit Rock & McNeil Estate is a popular site in Bruce County where you can take in an impressive view of Colpoy's Bay and hike over 5 km of trails. A must-see feature on this property is the spiral staircase that winds down the escarpment to the shoreline. The Corran ruins of the McNeill Estate offer a glimpse into the past and are a highlight for history-lovers!

Site History
The ruins of the McNeill Estate provide a glimpse into some of the history of Bruce County and its settlers.
In 1881, this site became home for Alexander McNeill who developed the land into beautiful garden, manicured lawns and productive orchards. The heart of the estate was the Corran, a 17-room mansion lavished with carvings, ancient weapons, tapestries and book-lined walls.
The Gaelic meaning for Corran is ‘point of land running into the sea’. McNeill’s mansion was modeled and named after his childhood home in Northern Ireland.

Alexander McNeil
Alexander McNeill was born in Northern Ireland and served as the Federal Member of parliament for the North Bruce Riding, 1881-1901. He was a supporter of Britain and its empire and one of the ‘Noble 13’ who opposed Sir John A. Macdonald on a number of issues.
McNeill was a quiet man, fond of reading and a lover of flowers. He lived on the estate with his wife Hester and their son Malcolm. Hester died quite young, before the estate was completely finished. Unfortunately, after McNeill died, Malcolm was more interested in parties than managing the estate, and the family fortune dwindled away.
Following Malcolm’s death, the housekeeper, who had been willed the estate, sold it in 1960 to a Toronto resident. Without fulltime occupancy at the mansion, the site frequently experienced vandalism. The property was sold in 1976 to the Conservation Authority. Shortly after, a fire destroyed the mansion, leaving only a stone shell, which is still visible today.
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