- Caution – High cliffs and steep slopes. Stay on trail and away from dropoffs.
- The wetlands at The Glen offer a home to many species of plants and waterfowl. It is a quiet place to hike, snowshoe and appreciate nature.
- The property also features a bog-like fen located above the escarpment
- Visitors consider it a hidden jewel of the Grey Sauble properties
- Lookouts on east ridge of the wetland and escarpment offer views of Georgian Bay and Owen Sound
- Bruce Trail access, 10 km of trails
- Parking on side of County Road 17
178865 Grey Road 17, 1 km north of Indian Acres Rd West, Georgian Bluffs ON
GPS Coordinates:
Latitude: 44.64
Longitude: -81.00
UTM X Easting: 499976.48
Y Northing: 4943208.17