In 1995, the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation had a vision of creating a Memorial Forest Program. Through the support of Downs & Son, George Funeral Home and many hundreds of families, today over 2,000 trees have been planted in memory of a loved one. This year 189 trees were purchased and planted by volunteers for the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation at three different Memorial Forest sites: Big Mud Lake Management Area in Wiarton, Pottawatomi Conservation Area outside of Owen Sound and Griersville Management Area south of Meaford. Each site welcomes you with a small trail, bench and sign hosting all the names that have had a tree planted in their memory.
On June 14th, five hundred people are expected to attend the dedication ceremony held at the Grey Sauble Conservation Administration Centre for the families and donors of the memorial trees that have been purchased in the past year. At the end of the ceremony, one commemorative tree is dedicated in the Arboretum to mark the occasion and represents all of the trees planted that year at all three Memorial Forest Sites.
The vision of the Grey Sauble Conservation Foundation and the once empty fields are now a living memorial in memory of our loved ones, a place for our future generations and where you can find
peace, quiet reflection and remembrance.
Congratulations on building a forest and providing a living legacy for our loved ones!
Krista McKee
Community Relations Coordinator
519 376-3076 ext 224